How to Protect Home Improvement Construction Profit Margins

man looking at computer that says profit margins on it

Home construction is a lucrative industry, but it can also be highly competitive and challenging. Profit margins can be impacted by many factors, such as unexpected expenses, material cost increases, and delays in the project timeline. However, utilizing software solutions in home construction projects can play a significant role in protecting profit margins by enhancing […]

How to Improve the Billing Process for Home Improvement Contractors

business person working on billing

Home improvement contractors face many challenges in managing their business efficiently, and one crucial aspect is the billing process. Streamlining and improving the billing process not only ensures timely payments but also helps establish a professional image. In this blog, we will discuss some practical tips to enhance the billing process for home improvement contractors. […]

The Best Social Media Platforms for Pest Control Contractors to Invest In

pest control worker spraying cabinet

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers, showcase their services, and build brand awareness. For pest control contractors looking to reach a wider audience and attract more clients, leveraging social media platforms is essential. In this blog post, we will discuss the best social media […]

How to Choose the Right Customer Financing Option for My Home Improvement Business

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If you are a home improvement contractor looking to expand your business or take on larger projects, it’s important to consider the best financing options available to you. Financing can provide the necessary capital to invest in equipment, materials, and labor, and help you grow your business successfully. In this blog post, we will discuss […]

Hearth Upgrades and Bug Fixes – October 2023

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Look, we get it: as a contractor, you don’t have time for fluff. You need tools that eliminate bottlenecks, cut through the daily chaos and improve your bottom line. That’s where Hearth’s newest features and updates come into play. Cut Through the Chaos with Notes Paperwork isn’t just annoying; it’s costing you real dollars in […]

Hearth Upgrades and Bug Fixes – September 2023

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Get more leads and work more deals with these new marketing tools: Lead Capture and Lead Forms. New and improved marketing money making tools Tired of feeling like your website and social pages are just for show? Or like you’re missing out on opportunities that could grow your business? We got you covered! Lead Capture […]

Seize Every Opportunity with Lead Forms

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Tired of missing out on deals or watching opportunities slip through your fingers? We’ve made something for that. Introducing Lead Forms, the new tool that increases lead capture and speed-to-lead. Lead Forms: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Your Digital Assets as a Lead-Generating Machine Imagine making every website visit, social page view, email or […]

Hearth Upgrades and Bug Fixes – August 2023

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You hustle to give prospects top-notch choices and your customers services that are second to none. Now you can hustle smarter with these Hearth upgrades. Get early access to the mobile release of Job Scheduler – the tool that let’s you manage project times and more. Then turn up your financing offers with new loan […]

Empower Your Business with Project Loans

Project Loan Offers Hearth App - screenshot - Best Contractor Estimating & Invoicing Software - Hearth

Project Loans, powered by LendKey, is here! So, let’s learn more about Project Loans and how it benefits you and your customers. What can LendKey do for you and your customers? Lower Rates Project Loans offers better APRs for qualifying customers since they’re more secure due to LendKey’s contractor approval process. Plus, some customers can […]

Hearth Upgrades and Bug Fixes – July 2023

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Learn about the latest product updates that help you win more jobs, improve your operations, and stay ahead of the competition.  Do more with Client Management There are now more ways to interact with Client Management.  Import a large number of clients at once with our bulk import process. Effortlessly migrate existing client info with […]