Simple Marketing Tricks to Try Today

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Lawn signs go a lawn-g way

Put your mark on a great job by placing a lawn sign in front of the home you are currently servicing. Of course, ask the homeowner if it’s okay to keep the sign there for a few weeks after the job is done to generate some interest in their services. Offer to pick up the sign in a few weeks so they don’t have to worry about throwing it away. 

Business cards 

Business cards are typical for any home improvement business. You need to make sure that you have the right information on your card. A name and number are fine, but add your email, a web address, social media information or icons, and where people can leave you a review once the job is done. 

Ask for customer reviews

After the job is done, make sure you’re following up with your customers about leaving you a review. Several rating sites may be useful to your business, like Google, Facebook, or Better Business Bureau. To make sure you’re not spreading your reviews to several sites, pick one and ask customers to leave reviews there. 

Perfect your elevator speech

Sometimes all you have is a moment to explain what your company does and why you do it better than the other guy. This means you have to perfect your elevator pitch to make sure you’re not missing out on any opportunities to talk about your business effectively. We’re written a short guide in our Contractors’ Business Toolkit

Optimize your online presence

There are so many platforms that contain information about your business. You need to make sure they’re all as up-to-date as possible. We suggest keeping a spreadsheet or list somewhere of all the pages you need to update if a phone number or email changes. 

Revisit old customer and lead rehash

Visit the past by following up with old customers and asking if they need help with anything else. Rehash older leads that you may have considered dead. You never know what could have happened between the time you considered the deal dead and now. Make sure to mention finding monthly payments with Hearth for the project they perhaps failed to follow through on. Check out our webinar on rehashing leads with Alan McKenna.

Film a how-to video 

Video is king on social media. Make a quick video about something your homeowner can do on their own to either extend the life of their appliances or check if something needs to be replaced. A good example is maybe explaining when someone’s siding needs to be replaced and what happens if homeowners delay replacing or repairing their siding. You can sign off with “if you find that you need new siding or would like a consultation, we’re here to help. Just call us at [your phone number].”

Tap into the housing market

The housing market is a huge topic of conversation at the moment. Inventory is down and fixer-uppers look more enticing to prospective buyers. Reach out to local real estate agents and introduce yourself. Set up an appointment for an introduction or go to an open house and meet realtors face-to-face. Make sure you have your business cards and elevator pitch ready. Also, let them know where they can find all your 5-star reviews. 

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